Monday, July 18, 2011

First Day New Adventure

We are always starting a new adventure and the first day of those adventures tend to be the most irritating and nerve wrecking moments of our day, purely because we remember the feeling we have more prominantly than anything else. I think this is so because when we feel that weak and exposed we convince ourselves that we never wanna feel that way again no matter what, but you know we can never get rid of that experience no matter how hard we would like to try. The main thing we have to remember is that we learn from these experiences as it helps us to develop and progress becoming stronger with each step we take, thats what makes the moment more cherished and appreciated.

On this day 97 years ago, Nelson Mandela was born, who would have thought that an infant born at that time would have such a huge impact on the future and would alter history? Thats the point nobody though as much, we see our kids, youth , nieces and nephews as kids enjoying their freedom and living life with out the though of what tomorrow may bring, but fail to realise that there is a possiability that one of our kids if not all of them are destined for grateness, it may not be greatness on an an international scale but it could be one on a less dramatic scale, so therefore we need to nurture the further development and progression there of as well. We all start our adventures at birth, but the chapters change through out up until the point of death, what we need to look out for is whether our death would be one which is appointed after we have managed to reach our full potential or not. Nelson Mandela should be the influence we hold closest to our further progression in our daily lives, because he brings forth the rolemodel we should all have , bringing across the message that we have the ability to change the world one task at a time....67 years he sacrificed for the greater good and improvement of why cant we start our first day on a new adventure by doing something great for someone other than ourselves!!

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