Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Minds Eye

When I get up in the morning there is three things that I dread the most, that is number 1, I dread having to look in my cupboard for what to wear fearing that somehow during the course of the night i had gained so much weight that I have nothing to wear, number 2 I fear that when I look around me someone whom I love and has been apart of my life forever , is no longer with me and I'd have to face the emotions felt when loss has been experienced and finally the 3rd thing I fear the most is that I have lost my inhibition to succeed and carry on with the rest of my life.

The point I'm trying to make is that, we all have some form of fear that we have when we wake up each day and in most cases we let that fear control how our day progresses and then even when we have a great day, we fall asleep just to wake up to the dreaded  feeling once again. Some people never let go of that emotion and they become consumed by it , letting the fear take over their lives and never really giving them a sense of hope for the future, commonly when the thing the fear the most materializes it destroys them...So then how do we get rid of that fear or rather how do we control how much influence it has over us as appose to letting to control us instead?

The answer is that their is no way of controlling it, but there are way in which we can slowly drain that fear away so that we can accept that thing happen and we have no control of it and that more importantly everything is like a circle, once something begins it has to end, but why constantly wait for the end when you can enjoy everything else that happens along the way.
That i think is the way by which we will be able to live in peace and potentially find fulfillment, by simply embracing the fear cos then the echo it exudes begins to fade.

Cos life is full of surprises and most of them is worth being shocked for.

Love & Peace

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